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Tîwaz the guiding star

Forfatterens bilde: OdelsarvenOdelsarven

The Runes - the letters used by our ancestors are today under heavy attack from cultural marxists, cancel culture and anti-Norse politicians. Several of our dear runes are listed as "symbols of hate" by the Jewish Anti-Deformation League, a leading organization for "Jewish interests" with great financial power and "above the law methods" for achieving its goals - with its tentacles reaching to all corners of academia and politics. These slimy and terrorizing mafia tentacles have such a reach that even local Scandinavian politicians and lawmakers are discussing and promoting to ban them, and make them illegal to use. The argument is that some national socialists are using them, so they must be banned. They are afraid that only the sight of runes can invoke "hatred" and perhaps go against their blatant agenda to deconstruct our pride, culture, traditions and heritage.

Little do these people understand of our runes. They may sense the power they possess, thus trying to ban them - but they have no clue of their real symbolism. Yes, they can be seen as mere letters in an "alphabet" carved or painted for writing, but they are much more than that. They contain symbolism, on several levels/layers - and work both as singles, pairs and in multiple compositions. Our runes contain in total the same patterns you will find in our mythology and in our fairy tales - in nature. The word rún is translated as "secret", "hidden wisdom".

So, let us elaborate on the rune at the top of the agenda to be banned, namely Tîwaz (proto-germanic) or Týr (Norse). This is by the anti-Nordic marxists and the Jewish organizations of interests - the rune containing the most "hatred".

Týr is the the seventeenth rune of the elder futhark, and it is the first rune in the kin of Týr (the third ætt, the first rune). The elder futhark is composed of two other kins (ætt), namely Frey and Hagl, each of the three composed of eight runes. The first ætt being the one of Freyr/Freya - the male and female seeds, the second ætt being the one of Heimdallr - the trancition, and the third ætt being the one of Týr - the divine.

Already now, you will understand that the runes are more than mere letters to an ancient alphabet. The runes are divided into three phases (the magic number three) that always confirms the process of re-incarnation and re-birth in our heritage. The first ætt of runes, starting with Fé (Fehu), is the runes of "the golden age" wich we know from Völuspá, thus the second and the third ætt relates to the rest of the poem towards Ragnarök - the new beginning.

There are known poems attached to the Týr rune:

The anglo-saxon version

Tir biþ tacna sum, healdeð trywa wel

wiþ æþelingas; a biþ on færylde

ofer nihta genipu, næfre swiceþ.

Tiw is a guiding star; well does it keep faith with princes;

it is ever on its course over the mists of night and never fails.

The Norwegian version

Týr er ein(h)endur ása;

oft verður smiður að blása.

Tiw is the one-handed Æsir.

Often the smiths must blow.

The Icelandic version

Týr er einhendur áss

og úlfs leifar

og hófa hilmir.

Mars tiggi.

Týr is the one-handed Æsir,

and the remnant of the wolf

and the god of war (the planet Mars).

The rune is represented by the deity Týr. It is represented by the deity for war, strife, struggle, victory, support, self-sacrifice, order, justice and balance. The sacred tree of the rune is the oak tree, and the herb is sage. Týr is related to the wolf (in the Eddas - Fenrír) and the wolf is related to the female fertility and re-production (as the case is for werewolves, the wolves of Óðinn etc.). The form of the rune illustrate the spear, the arrow and the column holdning up the skies. It symbolizes the northern star, the guidiance - and thus ursa major (in form of a bear, equvivalent to the wolf). The star is also known in Norse being the spinning wheel (Friggrokk) of his wife Friggr, sitting in Fenasalír (the hall of water/the womb) spinning. The rune Týr is thus the element air.

Týr is the northern star in the bear constillations on the cosmic sky, or the comsic tree if you will. The bear (or "bearer") is the axis of earth between the celecstial poles. It is the axis of rotation of the celestial sphere. In latin known as axis mundi. In Norse we know it by the name Yggdrasíll (the world tree). This view goes back to the Stone Age - and, unsurprisingly, is to be found all over ancient European mythology and folklore. It relates to the ancient Bear-Cult, and is still intact in our traditions and folklore.

Why do you think we bring an evergreen Yule tree inside and decorate it with a star (originally a spear tip!) on top of it? If the marxists and the Jewish "interest organizations" use the same argument consistent, they must do the same as they did in the dark ages - ban the Yule tree. (They probably would, if they got their way).

Týr is known as "the Sky God", and the masculine force that fertilize mother Earth (Jörð) with water (rain), assisted by the sun and the moon (Sól and Mání). Týr is the celestrial equivalent of Óðinn, the same way the wife of Týr - Friggr - is equivalent to Freya.

As we now can see, a single rune can both represent a single thing and multiple things and forces. Týr can represent the spear, as the single attribute itself, with its own name and symbolism itself, the deity itself, the sound of the spelling itself etc. - but in context with the other runes it gives a clear pattern. A pattern you will recognize on the celestral sky, in nature, in seasons, in a human life from a seed, birth, life, death and re-birth - in the eternal cycle.

So, why is not Týr the first rune in the futhark then? It belongs to the "Sky God", the most "prominent" deity? We have to undertsand that there is no such thing as "the most important or prominent" amongst our Gods, or forces, or symbols for that matter. These forces work togehter in a given pattern and act as known metaphores and attributes so we can make sense of it - to make all the riddles given to us solvable. The perception of hierarchy in our heritage was forcefed us during the terrors of Christianization and since then through the ever increasing detachment from Nature.

Týr as a single rune is interesting, as the poems above show us. We already know from the poems that it "makes the blacksmiths blow" (yes, they are the symbols themselves for "King-makers" in our mythology).

Let us now, to get a deeper meaning of this rune, set it in context with the others. There is a lot to say about each rune, and everyone of them have poems attached with relevant symbolism - but we have to return to that another time. Below are the runes listed with only the basic meaning, still enough to to see the process and the pattern.

ᚠ*fehu (fé)

Cattle, goods, property, wealth, deer antlers, the key to the realm of death.

ᚢ*ūruR (úrr)

Wild bull, ancestral power.

ᚦ*þurisaR (þurs)

Ettin, Troll, the twin, The Old King, the placenta.

ᚨ*ansuR (áss)

Æsir, önd (spirit), breath.

ᚱ*raidu (reið)

To ride on a horse, on a chariot.

ᚲ*kauna (kaun)

Wound, slain.

ᚷ*gebu (gjof )




ᚺ*hagalaR (hagall)

Frosty rain.

ᚾ*naudiR (nauð )

Emergency, need of help, stuck.

ᛁ*īsaR (iss)


ᛃ*jāra (ár)



Earth, cliff, stone, birth, luck.

ᛇ*īwaR (ýr)

The yew.

ᛉ*algiR (elgr)

Elk, moose, rune of birth.

ᛋ*sōwilu (sól )

The sun.

ᛏ*tīwaR (Týr)

War, balance, justice - masculine, Týr.

The Mithra rune (MithOdin).

ᛒ*berkana (bjarkan)

Birch, love - feminine, Freya.

ᛖ*ehwaR (jór)


ᛗ*mannaR (maðr)


ᛚ*laguR (logr)


ᛜ*ingwaR (Ing)

Frey - Yngvi Frey, the seed, the kin, the ancestor and child.

ᛞ*dagaR (dagr)


ᛟ*ōphila (óðal)

Allodial heritage.

If we in short words and chronologically should wrap this up symbolically, the pattern would be as follows:

Deer antlers were used as symbolic relics, and are still up to this day. They were used to dig up the ancestral possesions (the goods) from the burial mounds. They symbolice the new King/Queen, the re-born claiming his or hers allodial heritage - symboliced by the crown of the antlers. The first rune fé is both the beginning and the end (there is no beginning or end in Norse paganism, only eternity).

In our mythology one have to fight a bull when passing the brigde between the realms of life and death (to be re-born). It represents the ancestral power.

The Troll, the Ettin must always be overcomed, outsmarted and slain. One have to defeat the Old King, the twin, to be re-born.

The Æsir are the ones that give breath, spirit - of önd. The breathing ones are the Æsir. The Æsir are the living. Those who will be re-incarnated after each Ragnarök (a new continous beginning).

One must ride and fight the twin, The Old King, the Ettin, the placenta - to be re-born. Like riding Sleipnír the eight legged horse, that slides between the realms - the wessel of the spirit, and the vessel that gives you the consultance of Mimír. The rune raidu (reið) and what it symbolically means is shown extensively on pagan art, rock carvings etc., where the chariot is used, holding the reins and connecting the chosen one and the animal (horse, boar etc.).

When this ride is over, the Old King (the Troll, the Ettin) is slain, and the spear that attaches the re-born to the Old King is cut. (In Norwegian fairy tales the "talking" horse is often slain as well, and the Germanic and Norse sacrifices of horses and boars needs no further explanation). The Old King is sacrificed. The spear carries the same symbolism as the arm Týr sacrifices when he place it in the mouth of the wolf Fenrír. On the level of a human birth, you recognize it as the umbilical cord that must be cut, detaching the newborn from its old self (the ancestor).

You recieve gifts upon sacrifice. The old King is sacrified, the new is born and the sun is again seen by the re-born. Gifts bring joy. The masculine and feminine powers work in harmony, in balance. The gifts are related to the ancestral memory and allodial heritage.

As everything alive, you will live your time of years, riding horses, becoming man (an adult human being), accumulate ancestral memory, become a chosen one (an Yngvi-Frey) of Jarls ætt, and accumulate the ancestral wealth - your allodial heritage.

As Fé, as cattle and companions, you will die - but your honor and good reputation will live forever. You will again dig up the golden tablets in the green gras and accumulate all your honorable ancestors in you. Óðinn incarnated! You will again die, enter the icy realm of death, wrestle the bull of ancestral power, ride the horse with a spear attached, with the waters of laguR in front of you, and decent out of the darkness again as Yngvi-Freyr!

The runes "hide" the elements of this process and knowlegde - partly and complete, earthly and cosmic. They are not only attached to the different deities, but also to calendar periods, hours of night and day, the sun and the moon, elements, sacred trees, totem animals, stars, planets, chaos and order. They are symbols of pagan science.

There is no great mystery concealing our runes. Our myths and fairy tales tell of the same processes in nature, on all levels - life, death, re-birth in circular eternity. Our runes do the same.


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