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Runes of Björgvín

Forfatterens bilde: OdelsarvenOdelsarven

We have several findings of runes on different items from Björgvín (todays Bergen, Norway). The name of the place itself carries the two typical parts of a place name; - björg/bjórg (castle/fortress) and - vín (meadow/fertile soil). Yes, we know the name goes far back in time, probably prior to year 0 in todays gregorian calendar. Thus, there is no mystery that we have several findings of runes - from different time periods here. Many of them are more casual - like labels, short messages, business letters and so forth. But, we also have others - those typically classified by scholars as "dark" (because they never themselves were able to interpret them).

Typical rune "labels" and rune row on a bulls bone.

Other findings from Björgvín are those in Norse known as Dróttkvætt - and these are bardic poetry. The scholars always call this poetry "complex" and "rigorous", and they have thus never had the ability or will to make any usefull sense of them.

The rune poem we will look at here, falls under this category. It was found carved on to a stick with a handle. I would argue a possible sorcerers staff. The scholars state that it reminds of "a year in miniature". There are two rows of runes, one short for the owner of the item/runes; "sigurðr amunda son a mik" and the second row containing 148 runes - the Dróttkvætt.

Drótt means King/Queen and Kvætt means poem. In other words a King or a Queens poem. In pagan perspective; the poems of the re-born.

This is the first spell;

"Fell til friðar Þellu

fárlegrar mér árla

fiskáls festibála

forn byrr hamar-norna"

Hamar-norna is the sorceresses that reside in mountains. Hamar means mountain/cave. These women are known as "witches", sorceresses and gygrar.

Byrr is the wind, and the wind in such poems, myths and fairy tales relates to the sorceress. In other words; death. Because the wind of forna (primordial) also relates to hugr (the mind, the ability to think). In Skáldskaparmál we know this as; "huginn skal svá kenna, at kalla vind trollkvenna".

Fisk-ál is a kenning for the sea - the depths of the fishes. Festi-bála is a kenning for the fire of the sea, or the gold of the sea. We also know that festi means the one that "attaches". Þella is the pine tree and the gem of the pine is a woman with the attached fire of the depths - the golden necklace. This woman is both dangerous (fárlegrar) and beautiful (friðar). The love for her was early (árla).

The funny thing is that all of this, the pattern in plain sight, is translated by the same scholars, but not commented any further. They have also "reproduced" the second spell;





Well, the "translation" here is by the scholars not done as the more "modern" Norse above - for some reason. Probably because the second part is more "complex". It is connected to the myth of Baldr and his death. The myth that tells of the ettin woman (Gygri) Hrókkín that came riding on a wolf with adders as reins (Norse: hǫggormr at taumum) before the enlighted ship was pushed out by the primordial powers.

Yes, the scholars got the translation more or less correct - but what does it mean?

Only the two spells of this rune finding give the following main clues;

Drótt: King/Queen - the re-born.

Kvæði/Kvætt: poetry.

The owner Sigurðr: - sig (victory) - urðr (honor).

Norna: sorceress (witch, gygra).

Hamar: mountain/burial mound/womb.

Byrr: the wind, death, mind*

Forna: primordial.

Fisk-ál: the sea/the amniotic fluid.

Bála: fire/blood (ancestral memory).

Þella: the evergreen tree (Yggdrasíll). Axis mundi.

Festi-bála: attached fire/gold, gem, necklace (Brísingamen).

Hǫggormr at taumum: the ancestor/serpent/dragon/umbilical cord.

Ulfr: the wolf (in pair with the bear) connected to the bearing mother/the female re-productive system.

If you already did not notice:

The sorceress of primordial love is Freya - she chooses, is just and beautiful, but also frightening (like Hél and Hrókkín). She carries Brísingamen, the fire/blood necklace of brísingr (all the ancestors in you - the blood memory), the same way that Hrókkín is a "fire ettin". We also know Freya as the female egg, and her twin brother Freyr as the male. Freyas equivalent Friggr (Freya is Friggr and Friggr is Freya) resides in Fenasalír (the realm of water) spinning her spinning wheel of fates.

For the reader being awake, with a pagan perspective, this symbolism and pattern is clear as day. It is in all its known symbolism the well known pattern of Nature and our Ancestral Cult. There is nothing "dark" and "rigorous" about it. Only the celebration of ancestors, honor, re-generation and life!

It is a shame that the focus from the scholars always is limitied to the "business letters" and "simple labels" from the time when Bergen was "Christianized" and established as a merchant hub in the late Middle ages. A time of total decay and eventually a virus pandemic as a result, wiping out the most of what was left of not only Björgvín, but all other civilized places in Norway as well.

Luckily, the pandemic cleared away most of the foreign and domestic priests and religious scholars of the new science. If not, we would probably not have any runes or findings left. They would have been, if found, all burned on the fires of Abrahamism.


*the wind, especeially the northern or western wind is associated with death. But, wind could also relate to life, or rather ǫnd (breath, the actual breath of the living). Life depends on death and vice versa.

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