Another rune filled with "hatred", dangerous connotations and effects - and up to be banned by organizations like the ADL and it's ilks (if they got their will), is Othala. In Norse known as Odal.
Well, the cultural marxists may have a point, trying to ban it, because the litteral meaning and the core symbolism of the rune is blood and soil, heritage and thus allodial property. More or less everything they want to be banned, in all forms and formats, except for the Judea God's chosen people themselves, of course.
The figurative aspect of the rune represents the standing Godess, her womb and legs. It belongs to the third ætt - the divine, and is the eight rune (eternity).
Othala is represented by the hawthorn tree and the gold thread herb. Yes, the herb of the golden, eternal, sun-reflecting (blood), ancestral thread. It is the last rune of the old Futhark, but also the "first" - binding the eternal circular process of the runes together. It is the rune of reincarnation itself, and the process begins a new with Fehu (the primordial fire, the deer antlers and the access and key to the realm of death).
Othala is the immobile property, whilst Fehu is the mobile. An example of this is when the belongings of the ancestors move from the burial mound, are found and recognized via Fehu - and are moved through allodial heritage to the decendants - and thus become immobile.
Othala is a symbol of the sacred land and the bond the ancestors and the decendants have to the land. It represents heritage, family, tribe, folk and the tribal land.
In Norway we still have Odelsloven; laws that secure that decendants inherit the ancestral land. The laws were made so an unwise generation never could waste the ancestral land or sell it. Nor could any gouvernment take or confiscate the land. It always had a minimum of 150 years immobile perspective. These ancient, pagan, good, tribal and concervative laws are under deconstruction as we speak. This is nothing else than sympthomatic with todays society in general - and against everything the rune Othala stands for.
We have to remember that the ancestral soil was most important, not only in the way that it fed the tribe and the lifestock, but the fact that your ancestors were buried in it. They were buried in the mounds, dwelling - and became an integral part of the ancestral land themselves. Blood and Soil. The energy of your honorable ancestors, their deeds, their honor and good reputation were to be found in every grain, flower, plant and trees of your ancestral land. Why do you think our fairy tales are filled with sleeping Kings and Queens in mounds, mountain caves and ancestral land marks - dwelling, to be awakened again and again?
Thus, Othala is heritage and DNA. It is property not for sale, not to be tainted with - to stay immobile!
The litteral meaning of Odal is "nobel/prince/princess". It is the rune of Óðinn (your ancestors accumulated), like the figurative form of a pregnant mother (Godess) - Jörð (or any of her avatars), about to give birth to the new allodial offspring - an ancestor incarnated.
The element of Othala is thus air, and the totem animals(1) are eagle, wolf, raven, bear, boar, hen/cock, horse and bee.
Othala is the state when all the elements are reconciled and balanced. The last accumulation of the other runes and the whole process they represent in combination - the divine - the end and the new continious beginning - the reincarnation - the immortal. Othala is the closing of the magic number three - the accumulation of the divine third ætt of our runes. It encapsulates our pagan heritage, it encapsulates the strife to become the best possible version of yourself, to honor your ancestors, to become better, to become stronger, to become an idol for your decendants - to become divine!
(1) These totem animals carry mythological symbolism, as the eagle being the ancestor flying in and out of the realms of life and death, the wolf being the guardian of the realm of death and the symbol of female re-production, the raven being the mind and the memory, the bear being the "bearer", the mother, as the boar is representing the devouring side of Yggr (the "terrible", the placenta), the hen/cock (HönÃr) is the first scream upon seeing the sun, the light (the birth), the horse - the reið, the twin, the old King, the ancestor, the Fylgja (the afterbirth/the placenta) and the bee - being the elves, the light elves; the ancestors.
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