29. juli 2020
Ættenuten - the ancestral cliff
The renowned Ættenuten, also known as Ættestupet, is widely used in popular culture as a sign of our ancestors' atrocities and "barbaric...

27. juli 2020
What Norwegian (Norse) culture is
If you have to ask what Norwegian culture is, you will probably never understand it. Then you are not born into it, not bred by it, or...

15. juli 2020
The original calendar
To understand the rites, traditions and way of life of our ancestors, one should know our original pre-Christian calendar. This knowledge...

15. juli 2020
Cultic fire and deers
In our part of the world, in the northern hemisphere, it is not mystical that the fire had a crucial function in daily life. The accounts...

12. juli 2020
The overwhelming symbolism in our myths
You will never be "finished" reading the elder Edda, as a modern human being, weakened by civilization, lack of memory, and the written...

7. juli 2020
The origin of our traditions and Christianity´s influence on these
The origins of our pagan traditions are very old. They go further back than ancient times, and some believe we can claim that European...

6. juli 2020
Our ancestor’s fearlessness
When reading our sagas, heroic poems and history, we are often inspired and fascinated by the total fearlessness of our ancestors. They...

3. juli 2020
The three Billy Goats Bruse
This is Norways most known Fairy Tale today, and it is called "Bukkene Bruse". Once upon a time, three billy goats were walking to a...

24. juni 2020
The Thralls and who they were
There are major misconceptions about whom and what our ancestors' thralls were and how they were treated. The general belief is that...

23. juni 2020
Our sacred trees and the Nordic birch
In our tradition, trees are sacred. It might be helpful for most people to stop for a while, and again reflect on our nature, our...

10. juni 2020
The stone of Týr and it´s runes
In 1987 a magnificent rune stone was found in Malt (Ribe) in Denmark. Like most of the similar discoveries, this too was done by pure...

4. juni 2020
The boy that travelled to the northern wind and demanded the flour back
The Norwegian fairytale is translated into English, and at the end we will dissect it and explore the patterns. There was once an old...

31. mai 2020
Heming and Gyvri
The ballad Heming and Gyvri in the form we know today, dates from the late middle Ages. It is one of Norway's many medieval ballads. This...

19. mai 2020

3. mai 2020
Ancient Ancestral Tracks
My great grandfather used to row Edvard Grieg and Erik Werenskiold across Tyin when they used to visit his mountain residence. Every...

5. mars 2020
Fugl Dam (The Dragon Bird)
Let us take a closer look at the Norwegian fairy tale Fugl Dam, written down by Asbjørnsen & Moe; Fugl Dam There was once a king who had...

5. mars 2020
Gudbrand i Lia (Gudbrand on the Ridge)
Most native Norwegians have been told our fairy tales as children. Read by our grandparents and parents – for generation after...

9. des. 2019
Is there a moral layer in our myths?
If you argue that there is a general moral layer in our myths, you are wrong. The Christians added morals to our myths in their later...

12. sep. 2019
Vetranótskeið can be translated into "winter night ship", and falls in the month of þrýmheimr ("noisy world") - home to the goddess Skade...

28. aug. 2019

11. sep. 2018

21. mars 2018